Kannatusjäsenille vierailu Winest-viinibaariin

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17:00 - 18:30
Winest – Suomen ensimmäinen georgialainen viinibaari
Tiistai 19.11.2024 klo 18.00
Unioninkatu 30, Helsinki
Marraskuun ensimmäisessä kannatusjäsentapahtumassa pääsemme tutustumaan georgialaisten pientuottajien viineihin ja maailman vanhimpaan viinikulttuuriin Unioninkadulle avatussa Winest-viinibaarissa.
Viininvalmistusperinteet ovat jatkuneet Georgiassa yhtäjaksoisesti yli 8 000 vuotta ja maa on tullut tunnetuksi ennen kaikkea erinomaisista valko- ja punaviineistään. Georgian viinituotanto hyödyntää kvevri-menetelmää, jossa sekä rypäleen mehu että kuoret käyvät suurissa saviruukuissa maan alla kuukausien ajan. Tämä antaa viineille niiden ainutlaatuisen luonteen. Kvevrit ovat säilyttäneet paikkansa viinintekijöiden suosiossa tähän päivään asti.
Lika Mamukashvili esittelee meille tilaisuudessa seuraavien tuottajien viinejä:
- Chaleli Winery is a family business run by a young couple who has five children. The couple moved back from the capital to their native land, where they restored their ancestral vineyard. While raising their five children, they also devote significant time to caring for the vineyard. Chaleli wines are considered among the best in Georgia and can be found in almost every wine bar. This year marks their first export to Finland, and they also export to the United States and other European countries.
- Zaza Gagua, the founder of Martvilis Marani (marani means winery in Georgian), is a geographer by profession. Zaza is the head of the administration for one of Georgia’s largest and most beautiful national parks, Martvili and Okatse Natural Monuments. Zaza and his wife are researching ancient endemic grape varieties from the Mingrelian region and are working on their restoration and cultivation. Their goal is for Samegrelo to become a wine-producing region of Georgia, similar to Kakheti, as there are more than 20 endemic Mingrelian varieties that were completely destroyed during invasions in the past. Their wines are exported to Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Japan, and several European countries. This year, Martvili Winery also exported to Finland for the first time.
- Ethno Okami is a company founded at the Caucasus International University’s Faculty of Winemaking in Georgia. It produces top-quality wines using ancient winemaking methods combined with the latest technologies. At the same time, they conduct research and strive to seamlessly integrate ancient winemaking techniques into modern technology. The team is focused on quality rather than quantity in their wines.
- Veluela is a family-owned winery located in Racha, in the northwest of Georgia. Racha is known for its stunning nature, towering mountains, and glaciers. It is often referred to as the Switzerland of Eastern Europe. Veluela is actively involved in the development of winemaking in the region. Their primary goal is to support the growth of local viticulturists, cultivate Racha’s native grape varieties, and produce aromatic wines characteristic of the region.
- Tamuna’s Marani (winery) is located in the village of Vaziani, in the Kartli region, near the vineyards of Mukhran Batoni (Georgian royal dynasty). Tamuna is a female winemaker from Georgia who has breathed new life into a vineyard that was abandoned 100 years ago and now produces top-quality wine. She takes care of the vineyard using 100% organic treatments and pours her heart and soul into her work. Chinuri is an endemic grape variety from Kartli. The word “chinuri” in Georgian means “excellent” or “the finest”. The wine is made in a qvevri (traditional clay vessel), with 70% of whole Chinuri grape clusters added to the juice. It is aged in the qvevri for 9 months.
Tervetuloa tutustumaan viineihin georgialaisten makupalojen kera!
Lue myös Wine Enthusiastin artikkeli georgialaisviineistä: Georgia’s Ancient Wine Culture has Lasting Relevance; https://www.wineenthusiast.com/basics/region-rundown/georgia-wine-guide
Paikka: Winest, Unioninkatu 30, Helsinki
Aika: Tiistai 19.11.2024 klo 18.00-19.30
Esittelijä: Lika Mamukashvili (Winest Wine Bar)