The versatility of Garnachas from limestone soils Herència Altés & Rafael De Haan

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  •  15.1.2024
     12:00 - 14:00

Maanantaina 15.1.2024 klo 11 yhdistyksen ammattilaisjäsenille
Yhteistyössä Winepartners

Uusi vuosi käynnistetään espanjalaistunnelmissa, kun saamme KatalonIan Terra Altan alueelta vieraaksemme Herència Altésin toisen omistajan, viinintekijä Rafael De Haanin. Rafael De Haan was born in Kent, England, in 1977 to an English father and Spanish mother. His passion for wine led him to discover the Terra Alta region and Núria Altés – a family and life project.

Herència Altés is a family-owned winery in Terra Alta, devoted to vine-growing and the production of fresh and elegant wines. Using certified organic agriculture methods, we cultivate 50 hectares of vines located at altitudes ranging from 420 to 500 metres above sea level in and around Batea and Gandesa in the Terra Alta region. Twenty hectares are dedicated to old vines, planted between the early and midtwentieth century.

We are firmly committed to organic agriculture and sustainable winemaking and show the outmost respect for the environment and a rich biodiversity which strengthens and protects these lands and their local surroundings. Taking care of natural and historical heritage by conserving old vines, landscapes, and traditional dry-stone walls means we can continue
to produce wines in such a way that future generations will also be able to enjoy these lands and their fruits.

We work with local grapes, especially Garnatxa varieties. Our flagship grape and the symbol of our lands is Garnatxa Blanca. We aim to create wines in as natural and respectful a way as possible while striving for honesty and varietal elegance in the finished product.

Lue myös Jancis Robinsonin Wine of the Week -arvio

Maistettavat viinit:
 White Grenache 2022
 Benufet 2022
 The Serra Blanc 2020
 Trementenaire 2021 (orange wine)
 The Star 2020
 La Halamera 2020

Tervetuloa tutustumaan Terra Altan alueen laatuviineihin viinintekijän opastamana!

Paikka: Suomen Sommelierit ry:n toimitila, Ruusulankatu 18, 00250 Helsinki
Aika: Maanantai 15.1.2024 klo 11 – 13 yhdistyksen ammattilaisjäsenille
Esittelijä: Rafael De Haan, Herència Altés